Monday, February 11, 2008

Getting Started

I now have the latest and greatest version of No Limits printed and bound and I will start working on the stats and gear for Holden and his crew. I'll also be starting to create the RPG-like rules that I will need to add to No Limits to make this work. I had originally planned on using the 5150 game for this since it has great RPG-like rules. But it's actual combat mechanics, though original and unique, were just not fun to play for me.

Luckily I got some great ideas for this kind of thing from a guy known as Ironworker on the No Limits forum. He's doing a similar narrative campaign (though not solo and in the pulp genre) using the No Limits rules and has already done some cool stuff to make it work.

Hopefully I will have detailed stats and at least some extra rules ready in the next few days. Then it will be time to tackle that critical mission on Sirrus 3 that Mr. X is wanting done.

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